Sunday, January 08, 2006

Conspiracy theorist - Jan 8, 2006

I always thought the Arabs who believe in so-called Jewish Conspiracy Theories were a little nuts, or to put it in a nicer way, gullible. And they are, by and large. But, I was genuinely surprised last month by some remarks made by a couple of Americans I interviewed during a local film festival. And it got me wondering about these theories.

Two very well-known, and dare I say powerful, Hollywood players were in town to promote their new film. Both Jewish, they were openly worried about their safety in Dubai. They only decided to come, one of them told me, after the production company paid for an entourage of US Secret Service Agents to accompany them. One of them told me: “You live in a very dangerous place. Any nutjob could come and blow himself up.” And he followed that up by this revelation: “Imagine, last night during the opening show, I was sitting next to one of these guys who was wearing that costume that was the whole reason I was afraid to come, and he’s laughing his ass off at the movie. That was great.” It took every bit of composure I had not to laugh or cry. (The best punchline to this particular anecdote, is that not only would no one know or care that these guys are Jewish, but as it turns out, no one outside the US has even heard of them or their films.)

I had earlier interviewed an LA-based PR exec who’s responsibility it was to convince Hollywood stars to fly first-class for free to Dubai, stay in one of the lushest resorts I’ve ever seen, for free, and, in some cases, even earn some cash, for doing nothing more than strutting around getting their asses licked. He confided to me that it was next to impossible. He said the women were either afraid they’d have to cover themselves or that they’d be somehow mistreated, and the men were scared of kidnappings or beheadings or whatever.

Here’s where the conspiracy theory comes in. Many people to whom I have relayed these stories believe that the safety issue is a red herring. They say perhaps it has more to do with simple economics. If you are an actor who still needs work, and the majority of people who do the hiring are Jewish, are you going to connect yourself to a Muslim country? Are you going to taint your name with The Enemy? Look at the backlash that people like The Dixie Chicks, Sheryl Crow and Johnny Depp received when they dared to speak their minds against the war in Iraq. It can happen.

I am choosing to believe this theory …because it is much easier to swallow than the utter ignorance of being afraid to visit a place like Dubai. Because everyone knows, after doing maybe 5 minutes of Googling, that not only has Dubai never been affected by a terrorist threat in any way, shape or form, but the violent crime rate is lower than any and every US city.

Or maybe it’s me who’s gullible.

I'd like to believe that theory too. But I think at least a few of them may be genuinely afraid. For instance, that would mean that this couple chose to portray themselves as extremly ignorant in order not to offend the wrong people? (and if it was said in confidence, then those must be their real feelings.) I don't know what's worse.

It's sad, but I've talked to many people in North America who do wonder about the safety factor when I suggest they visit the UAE. Should we assume the stars are much more informed?
You are right...why should they be better informed? I so infrequently meet North Americans here, except a handful of expats who've been living away from the US or Canada for decades... So I guess I am constantly amazed and saddened by these attitudes.
They may be misinformed about the security situation in Dubai, but so are we. This kind of information is censored, and I think it would naive to believe what we are told.

First, we should define safety in all its aspects. It's not very difficult to end up in jail here, even less in Sharjah, and be at the mercy of a legal system which is very unfamiliar. That's a safety issue I never had to worry about "back home."

Naive and overly conservative people, like our two superstars here, usually manage to stay out of trouble. Maybe it's not so crazy to be too careful.
Definitely. I can't believe many of the more educated ones, who have travelled quite widely around the world, genuinely believe that this place is a security risk.

Look at the large numbers who are quite happy to visit Israel - let's have a count of the number of bombs there, compared to here, or even Egypt/Jordan/Syria.

It's one thing risking their surgically-tightened necks showing solidarity with the Jews, it's quite another for them to risk looking Ay-rab and Mozz-lem friendly.
don't forget it also happens the other way around;
for instance Mohammed Al Abbar that went to israel not so long ago, was spotted, and had to explain to the whole of the UAE why he was there.
actually there has been a terrorist threat to dubai, a few years back, at least 4-5 years back, someone phoned in a bomb threat and said they'd put a bomb inside a can of nido milk powder in carrefour i think it was.
don't know who called the threat in or anything.
Isnt this what happened when the late Marlon Brando dared to speak of this theory on Larry king Live, I think you are right Lizzie,this old slang saying comes to mind : "why? because i can!"
LOL...very funny flip side of the story...I know these articles are more than a month old..but I just found your blog...
LizzieD, the problem starts from your premise that "the majority of people who do the hiring are Jewish" - and that such Jewish entertainment execs would care about entertainers visiting a Muslim country. It's the Arab countries that have had primary and secondary boycotts on Israel and even have/had bars on those who have Israel entry/exit stamps in their passports. And Israeli bizmen keep trying to do ventures in Jordan, Egypt, etc. I don't believe there is any significant feeling among either American Jews or Israelis of distate toward those who might holiday in Dubai or any such place (among Israelis, there's intense desire to visit places like Petra)... The answer to your query, I'd think you'd know, lies with the general American ignorance of the world outside. Years of politicans & others portraying a world with thousands of pumped up fundamentalist Moslems out to kill any stray 'mericans who might pop up understandably makes people reluctant to wander close to the 'lair of the beast.' If your theory held water, then there wouldn't have been any of those old Hollywood movies that romanticized Middle East travel ('Road to Morocco' and such).
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