Saturday, August 20, 2005

Dubai-Ladies of the Night-Aug. 20, 2005

I had an ‘Egypt moment’ this past weekend.

I thought the days of being harassed for being a Western (and therefore slutty) woman were gone. The neighborhood where I live in Dubai is notorious for prostitutes. Prostitution in a Muslim country you ask? It is actually a thriving industry here. Dubai is constantly being compared to Las Vegas, and in the case of ‘ladies of the night’ it is quite an apropos comparison. Arabs from around the region flock to Dubai to take advantage of the lax implementation of the laws against prostitution. One Emirati friend of mine says it’s because the Dubai police have much more important things to worry about – like keeping terrorists at bay (fair enough!).

None of this really has had much of an effect on me, but more often than not when I walk from my flat to the store, some three blocks away, it is assumed that I am a whore, much like the rest of the whores who do actually live in my building. Up until this weekend this hasn’t bothered me too much. Egypt inured me of such things, and frankly, as long as no one was physically touching me as they do in Cairo, who cares? I politely tell them ‘No, actually I am not a hooker, but there are plenty on the next block.’

But for some reason (tired, bad mood) Thursday night as I ran into my local grocery store to use the ATM, it took me by surprise. Some guy propositioned me and it happened so fast that I thought he was asking for directions. When I stopped and said ‘pardon?’ and he motioned for me to get into his car, I lost it. I screamed very loudly, ‘why the f*ck do you think I am a whore just because I live here! What the hell is wrong with you?’ etc. The perp, or wannabe John, ran to his car like a scared kitten. About 10 minutes later, I laughed about it.

But sexual frustration/aggression is a real problem in Dubai where you have a number of colliding situations. First, a Muslim population where the two sexes are not supposed to mix, etc. Second, a large impoverished male population living as builders away from their wives/girlfriends. Third, impoverished SE Asian women geographically close by.

A Newsweek reporter was recently in town looking into the topic of human slavery. At first I really thought it would be a stretch to find anything like that in Dubai. But upon further research, we discovered some forms of ‘slavery lite.’ Just like the situations the construction workers find themselves in – that is getting paid to build Dubai’s towers but owing a great deal of that money to their employers to cover the fees that brought them here – many of Dubai’s prostitutes are in the same boat. Some of them are even victims of scams. Back in the Ukraine or China or the Philipines they are approached by ‘agents’ who tell them they can make gobs of money being maids in Dubai. The agent’s fee is (relatively) enormous and they hand over their passports to these agents who then keep those passports until that money is paid back.

And of course, once they arrive in Dubai, somehow ‘maid’ work becomes ‘whore’ work. Then after they earn their freedom, which can take up to a year, many of them typically keep their new lifestyle, having become addicted to the high incomes. The ones we interviewed said they were supporting the children they left behind. Some of them hit the jackpot and marry Western expats – typically old Brits who are just lonely or appreciate the passivity and ‘devotion’ of an Asian ex-hooker.

I don’t think the situation will change much as Dubai continues its rapid ‘ascent’ into unadulterated capitalistic paradise. But it will be interesting to see who else takes notes and decides to teach the country a lesson, a la Al Qaeda style.

Yes, I like that neighborhood otherwise. I don't want to be stuck out in "New Dubai," nor do I want to be in some of the more dirty neighborhoods. This one is quite perfect and let's be honest, much more affordable than anywhere else.

I love the camera phone idea. I honestly had not thought of that. As we all know no one wants to be exposed or shamed here. Brilliant! I will try it.
Well I'd hire ya but you're probably out of my price range!
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Thanks Fred! Such a gentleman!
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A land of broken dreams, really.
I visited Dubai onj Buisness and was surprised to see the huge amount of Prostitution going on.I was in a hotel which allowed prostitutes to go in the rooms.I was having a drink when i was asked by a chinese lady if i wanted a mesage,as i told her to explain to me what kind of message imiegietly she replied if i wanted to have sex.I asaked the lady how much would she want for a night and her reply was 5ousd.As i had no intention to do so i offered her a drink and to have achat.She exepted the drink and we started to chat.Finally i gave this girl 100usd if she would for one night slleep in my room but without having any kind of sex together.She exepted and that night she slept without having to have forced sex.I managed to get this lady out from Dubai and back to her country.I ask is this a muslim COUNTRY cant the police see this going on?How doesa such ladys get a visa? I now am in contact with this lady and have found for her a disent job.I also visited her in china and even mety her Family.She comes from a poor but decent family.her family nows nothing about what she did in Dubai.My e mail adress is if any one wants to chat regarding thesis subject.May god bless this people and help them to come out from this situations.
Anon: The police do know what's going on, but they pretty much ignore it. One Emirati friend of mine said they are busy with more important things. You also have to think about the tourism business which is so precious to Dubai. Certainly that is one reason for allowing prostitution. Also, you asked how these women get visas. From what I understand, they get them from UAE nationals who have sold them to agents in their home countries. These nationals sell a certain number of visas to agents in countries like China and Ukraine, etc. Those agents find the girls and make them pay for the work visas.
I guess these are things that people dont like talking about , its there, and i dont see how people can not see it. In the expat circles, this area is "unfit" [ as some really decaying expat forum discussion will read to you ]for them, what say you, how you are there?
Well, I guess I don't know what you mean by 'unfit.' Do you mean why don't I go live in a nicer neighborhood? Well, there are two reasons for that. As you can tell from my blog, I work in media. Media people make no money. So, there's the financial reasons. But even more than that, I don't want to be one of those white American expats who hides away with others just like themselves and doesn't learn anything (good and bad) about the culture around them. How boring would that be?
It's true. I have been in dubai for more than 17 years. During this period i have so much experiences. Once i meet a young girl she is from india. She is leaving with a family. One night i stay with here in here flat. She says that the next room stays her sister and her husband. They brought this girl to dubai to visit.
Dubai is a great weekend getaway from Dubai. The country is so different and it is only a short drive. We are off to Muscat in Oman in a couple of weeks for a long weekend.
Rent a yacht in Dubai
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